• Donate
    Support your local community
    We come to the aid of our fellow
    community members in times of need.
  • For the less fortunate
    raise your helping hand
    We come to the aid of our fellow
    community members in times of need.
  • Help Neighbors
    In Their Time of Need
    We come to the aid of our fellow
    community members in times of need.

Welcome to
Heart of American Homes

From our heart to yours

The Heart of American Homes Foundation was formed through a collaboration of like-minded individuals, both Agents and Brokers from the Coldwell Banker American Homes Real Estate organization, whom are committed to making their communities a better place to live.

Located on Long Island, a short distance from Manhattan, with office locations in Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau Counties, Coldwell Banker American Homes has grown to be a force in their Real Estate market. It is with this singular focus to be great that this group has risen to the top of their profession, that they so do with a determination to give back and help people in less fortunate circumstances.

Through charitable fundraisers, a charitable mind set with their time, hard work and their own monies, that they drive the Heart of American Homes Foundation so that it can provide for those needs helping to make people’s lives better.